The fbithesis Package

fbithesis is a LATEX 2ε package providing a new documentclass tuned for research reports or internal reports like master/phd-theses at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Dortmund.

News Flashes

2011/05/18: added a flattr button

2011/02/07: uploaded new version 1.2m to CTAN.

2006/07/03: fbithesis has a new home:

2003/01/08: fbithesis is installed on CTAN. You may find it in macros/latex/fbithesis/

2003/01/08: New version v1.0 is out! The changes:

  • The first stable release of fbithesis
  • Almost only cosmetic changes: many typos fixed

2003/01/03: Version v0.8, the changes:

  • Invariant Positioning: \titelvadjust and \titelhadjust aren't needed any more

Version v0.7 (never released), the changes:

  • Support for the enhanced title coming with KOMA-Script
  • A better way to strech characters

2002/10/21: Version v0.6, the changes:

  • Internationalization (german and english are possible at the moment)
  • Providing test logos
  • A custom logo is possible
  • Better marks to make the adjustment of the title page easier


Current stable version: fbithesis.dtx v1.2m (2011/02/06)
The stable version is distributed by CTAN.

Current development version: fbithesis.dtx v1.2n (2011/02/07)

fbithesis is Copyright © 2002-2011 by Andre Dierker

fbithesis is Free Software. It can be freely used, modified and distributed under the terms of The LATEX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version.


At the Department of Computer Science there are cardboards (see Figure 2) for internal reports like master/phd-theses. So if one uses book or report as base class for a thesis, the result will be a title page as in Figure 1. Since the titel page is incompatible to the cardboard one have to use the \begin{titlepage}...\end{titlepage} environment to generate something that fits the cardboard.

The fbithesis package provides a new LATEX 2ε documentclass. Its main function is a replacement for the \maketitle command. It is redefined to typeset a title page adjusted to the cardboard (as seen in Figure 3).

title page as made by book the cardboard title page as made by fbithesis
Figure 1: The title page, as generated by the book-class Figure 2: The cardboard, used by the Department of Computer Science Figure 3: The title page, as generated by the fbithesis-class


Warning: This is the development version of fbithesis! It is completly untested and may contain many bugs! The current stable version of fbithesis may be found at CTAN.

The distribution of fbithesis consists of the package (fbithesis.dtx) and the OpenPGP signature (fbithesis.dtx.asc). Perhaps you want to fetch the complete tar-ball (fbithesis.tar) or the compress tar-ball (fbithesis.tgz). The signature is made with GnuPG, using the software distribution key (distribution.key):

pub  1024D/F4D24AC9 2002-04-01 Andre Dierker (software distribution key) <>
     Key fingerprint = 461E 2EB4 DE3A 6BC8 3320  2A7B 59C5 21EA F4D2 4AC9