Warning: This is the development version of fbithesis!


Why the name?

Department of Computer Science is in german Fachbereich Informatik, or in short FBI. So in this case `FBI' has nothing to do with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

What's ‘vortrag.pdf’?

On June 12, 2002 I held a small lecture at the TeX Stammtisch Dortmund about the making of fbithesis (version v0.4 at that time). The title was „Erstellung und Dokumentation von Dokumentklassen und Makropaketen“. You may get the foils (german only) in the download-section.


fbithesis.dtx is an ‘one-file-contains-it-all’. It contains (of course) the fbithesis.cls-file and its documentation (not to forget a customizable driver for the docu), but also the fbithesis.ins batch file, an example, a ‘read me’ and the LPPL

It is recommended to check the integrity of the package before installing. This is done with fbithesis.dtx.asc (a OpenPGP signature made with GnuPG) and the key 1024D/F4D24AC9 2002-04-01 Andre Dierker (software distribution key) <software@kand.de>. Verify fbithesis.dtx.asc with PGP or GnuPG (for GnuPG this is ‘gnupg --verify fbithesis.dtx.asc’) to be sure, you got the complete and unmanipulated distribution.

To start the installation, run fbithesis.dtx through LATEX (‘latex fbithesis.dtx’). This will generate the batch file (fbithesis.ins), a README.txt and a lppl.txt. Additionally the documentation (fbithesis.dvi) is generated (to get the cross-references right, you have to rerun this twice, however).

The actual installation is done by running the newly generated fbithesis.ins through LATEX (‘latex fbithesis.ins’). This will generate the fbithesis.cls file, an example.tex and the documentation driver (fbithesis.drv).

To finish the installation it is recommended to move fbithesis.cls into a directory searched by LATEX (on a TDS compliant LATEX installation this would be ‘$(TEXMF)/doc/tex/latex/misc/for example). The files fbithesis.dvi and example.tex should be moved to where you collect the documentations (on a TDS installation ‘$(TEXMF)/doc/tex/latex/fbithesis/’).

So, in short you have to do the following:

  1. Check integrity of the package:
  2. Generate the documentation:
  3. Generate the fbithesis.cls file:
  4. Finish the documentation:
  5. Optionally:


If you find any bugs or if you have suggestions for enhancements, I'd by glad to hear from you.

Last change: 2011/02/07, Andre Dierker